1. God has a place for us in heaven and on earth
Ellen white (1827-1915): “Not more surely is the place prepared for us in the heavenly mansions than is the special place designated on earth where we are to work for god” (Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 327, 1900).
John Harris (1802-1856): “Not more certainly is the throne of every believer prepared in heaven, than is appropriate place prescribed on earth” (The Great Commission, p. 105, 1842).
John Cumming (1807-1881): “… each has a place which the Holy Spirit has fitted and prepared him on earth; and according to the state of progress that he has made when death finds him, will be the place of dignity and privilege he will occupy in the realms of glory” (Sabbath Evening Readings on the New Testament: John, p. 318, 1856).
2. It was God’s design to elevate man equal to the angels
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Man was to be tested and proved, and if he should bear the test of God, and remain loyal and true after the first trial, he was not to be beset with continual temptations; but was to be exalted equal with the angels and henceforth equal” (RH Feb 24, 1874).
Ellen White: “If the holy pair should be obedient, the race would after a time be made equal to the angels” (Ibid).
John Milton (1608-1674): “There went a fame in heaven that he ere long intended to create and therein plant a generation whom his choice regard should favour equal to the sons of heaven” (Paradise Lost I. 650-683, 1667).
John Milton (1608-1674): “Time may come when men with angels may participate, and find no inconvenient diet, nor too light fare; and from these corporeal nutriments, perhaps, your bodies may at least turn all to spirit, improved by the tract of time, and, winged, ascend ethereal, as we; or may, at choice, here or in heavenly paradise to dwell; if ye be found obedient, and retain unalterably from His love entire, whose progeny you are” (Ibid., V. 485-518, 1667).
Joost Van Den Vondel (1587-1679): “…In the play the rebellion in heaven is occasioned by Gabriel’s announcement that God has decided in time to elevate Adam to a higher state than the angels” (Lucifer, p. 390).
Daniel Defoe (1660-1731): “…and after a space of life here, (determined to be a state of probation,) he should be translated through the region of death into a life purely and truly heavenly,…and standing in his presence, as the glorified angels do….he was intended to be removed from this earth after a certain time of life here, to inhabit that heaven, and enjoy that very glory and felicity, from which Satan and his angels had been expelled” (The History of the Devil, p. 72, 1854 [first published in 1726]).
John Harris (1802-1856): “They shall be ‘equal unto the angels;’ they shall be able to approach as closely to the throne of God….they will be able to fill every office, that angel fill, to soar to equal heights” (The Great Teacher, p. 294, 1835).
3. The redeemed will fill the vacancies made in heaven by Satan and his angels
Ellen White (1827-1915): “He came to restore the defaced image of God, to raise him, elevate him, fit him for companionship with the angels of heaven, to take the position in the courts of God which Satan had forfeited through rebellion” (RH, May 8, 1894).
Ellen White: “Heaven will triumph, for the vacancies made in heaven by the fall of Satan and his angels will be filled by the redeemed of the Lord” (RH, May 29, 1900).
Ellen White: “It was His purpose to re-populate heaven with the human race” (ST, May 29, 1901).
Ellen White: “Satan urges before God his accusations declaring that they by their sins forfeited the divine protection. He pronounces them just as deserving as himself of the exclusion from face of God. ‘Are these,’ he says, ‘the people who are to take my place in heaven and the place of the angels who united with me?’” (5T, p. 473, 1889).
John Milton (1608-1674): “I see their station. Heaven, yet populous, retains number sufficient, to possess her realms though wide, and this high temple to frequent with ministers due, and solemn rites. ‘ “But lest his heart exalt him in the harm already done, to have dispeopled, heaven, My damage fondly deemed, I can repair that detriment, if such it be, …and in a moment will create another world, out of one man a race of men innumerable, there to dwell, not here, till by degrees of merit raised, they open themselves at length the way up hither, under long obedience tried; and earth be changed to heaven, and heaven to earth, one kingdom, joy and union without end” (Paradise Lost VII. 118-151; 152-185, 1667).
John Milton (1608-1674): “Had driven out the ungodly from his sight and the habitation of the just; to Him glory and praise, whose wisdom had ordained good out of evil to create; instead of spirits of malign, a better race to bring into their vacant room, and thence diffuse his good to worlds and ages infinite” (Ibid. 152-185; 186-219, 1667).
John Milton (1608-1674): “Who justly hath driven out His rebel foes to deepest hell, and to repair that loss, created this new happy race of men to serve Him better” (PL, Book III, 647-680, 1667).
Daniel Defoe (1660-1731): “…when he found all this, it presently occurred to him, that God, had done it all as an act of triumph over him (Satan;) and that these creatures were only created to people heaven, depopulated or stript of its inhabitants by his expulsion; and that these were all to be made angels in the devils stead” (The History of the Devil, p. 72, 1854 [first published in 1726]).
Daniel Defoe (1660-1731): “…when they first were informed of the creation of man, and especially when they [Devil and his angels] considered what kind of creature he was, and what probably be the reason of making; namely, to fill up the vacancies in heaven” (Ibid., p. 77).
Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824): “Man was created to fill the choirs of the fallen angels. Were it not for the Fall of Adam, the human race would have increased only till the number of the fallen angels was reached, and then the world would have come to an end” (Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, Vol. 1, p. 17).
Edward Griffin (1770—1837): “Satan envied a race made to fill the place of his legions in heaven; but that very nature which he sought to destroy, is advanced to the throne of the universe” (God Exalted and Creatures Humbled by the Gospel, p. 27, 1830).