1. Behold the man (DA, Ch. 77, John 19:5).
Ellen White (1827-1915): “The Saviour’s visage was not marred before His enemies [Isaiah 52:14]. Every feature expressed gentleness and resignation and the tenderest pity for His cruel foes. In His manner there was no cowardly weakness, but the strength and dignity of long-suffering” (DA, p. 735).
Ellen White: “There the Son of God was “wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities”. He bore insult, mockery, and shameful abuse, until, His visage was so marred more than any man [Isaiah 52:14], and His form more than the sons of men” (2T, p. 207, 1871).
Note: In the above quotes you can see how Ellen White used Isaiah 52:14 within and out of context.
William Hanna (1808-1882): Pilate “is absorbed in wonder as he gazes upon Jesus – such a picture of silent, gentle, meek, unmurmuring, uncomplaining patience…There is no weakness in that patience, but a strength, a power, a dignity” (The Life of Christ, p, 697, 1863).
2. The Roman soldiers protect Jesus (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Had not the Roman soldiers interposed, and forced the maddened throng, the Saviour would have been torn to pieces” (DA, p. 731).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “…but for the protection of AEmilius [the centurion] and his soldiers, they would have torn him in pieces” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 355, 1855).
3. Sun beam upon Jesus’ head (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Turning to Jesus he asked, “Art Thou the King of the Jews?” The Saviour answered, “Thou sayest it.” And as He spoke, His countenance lighted up as if a sunbeam were shining upon it” (DA, 726).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “Thou sayest that which I am – a king,” …and there seemed to float about his head a divine glory, as if a sunbeam had been shining down upon him” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 365, 1855).
4. The mob rushed toward Jesus like wild beasts (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White(1827-1915): “Herod’s face grew dark with passion. Turning to the multitude, he angrily denounced Jesus as an impostor….If You are an impostor, death at their hands is only what You merit…No sooner were these words spoken than a rush was made for Christ. Like wild beasts, the crowd darted upon their prey. Jesus was dragged this way and that, Herod joining the mob in seeking to humiliate the Son of God. Had not the Roman soldiers interposed, and forced back the maddened throng, the Saviour would have been torn in pieces” (DA, p. 730, 731).
Ellen White: “Like the bellowing of wild beasts came the answer of the mob, “Release unto us Barabbas!” Louder and louder swelled the cry, Barabbas! Barabbas!” (DA, p. 733).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “Cried Herod, rising; “if thou art a Prophet, no harm can they do to thee; and if thou art an imposter, if they kill thee, thou deserves thy fate”. Scarcely had Herod spoken these words, relinquishing Jesus into the hands of his foes, than with a savage cry, as the famished jackals in the desert rush upon their prey, they rushed upon their victim” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 378, 1855).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “[Pilate] heard the loud voices of the multitude, as of wolves baying for the blood of a defenceless lamb” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 362, 1855).
5. Devils in human form in the crowd (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Again the surging multitude roared like demons. Demons themselves, in human form were in the crowd… Satan led the cruel mob in its abuse of the savior… And Satan with his angels, in human form, was present at the cross. The archfiend and his hosts were co-operating with the priests and rulers… Religious rulers united with Satan and his angels. They were doing his bidding” (DA, p. 733, 734, 746, 749).
Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824): “I see numerous devils among the crowd, exciting and encouraging the Jews, whispering in their ears, entering their mouths, inciting them still more against Jesus” (The Dolorous Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, p. 224, 1862 [1833])
Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824): “This scene was rendered the more frightful to me by the sight of demons, and I saw large bodies of evil spirits…” (The Dolorous Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, p. 251, 1862 [1833]).
6. Jesus’ miracles were attributed to Beelzebub (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Raising their voices, they declared, He is a traitor, a blasphemer. He works His miracles through the power given Him by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils” (DA, p. 730).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “He is a deceiver! He performed his works through Beelzebub, who has now deserted him! Cried the priests”” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 377, 1855).
7. Jesus’ silence before Herod (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Herod was irritated by this silence. It seemed to indicate utter indifference to his authority” (DA, p. 730).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “Your silence is an insult to my power. I warn thee that my patience is not divine” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 378, 1855).
8. Herod had Jesus unbound (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “He ordered that the fetters of Christ should be unloosed, at the same time charging His enemies with roughly treating Him. Looking with compassion into the serene face of the world’s Redeemer, he read in it only wisdom and purity” (DA, p. 729).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “Unbind him…Herod regarded, with interest and looks of compassion, the pale and divinely-serene countenance of the prisoner; and seemed struck with indescribable majesty of his aspect and bearing, and purity of soul that beamed from his holy eyes” (The Prince of the House of David, pp. 376, 377, 1855).
9. Herod was convicted of Jesus’ divinity (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Herod was convicted. The last rays of merciful light were shining upon his sin-hardened heart. He felt that this was no common man; for divinity had flashed through humanity. At the very time when Christ was encompassed by mockers, adulterers, and murderers, Herod felt that he was beholding a God upon His throne” (DA, p. 731).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “Even Herod stood amazed at such God – like forbearance, and said to his chief – Captain: “If this man is not the Son of God, such sublime patience is more than human – it is divine” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 380, 1855).
10. Blood trickled from his temple (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Occasionally some wicked hand snatched the reed that had been placed in His hand, and struck the crown upon His brow, forcing the thorns into His temples, and sending the blood trickling down His face and beard” (DA, p. 734).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “When Abner saw the crown, he smiled with malicious gratification…and with his two hands he placed it upon the head of Jesus, pressing, cruelly, the sharp thorns into his temples, till the blood trickled from a dozen wounds” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 379, 1855).
Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824): “…I saw the blood flowing in large drops down the pale face of our savior, his hair matted together, and his beard bloody… blood which trickled from head…” (The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, pp. 111, 220, 1862 [1833]).
11. Pilate’s face grew pale (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Pilate’s face grew pale” (DA, p. 733).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “Be it so,” answered the Procurator, with a dark brow, and face pale as the dead” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 387, 1855).
12. Pilate asked Jesus to forgive him (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Then to Jesus he [Pilate] said, Forgive me for this act; I cannot save you” (DA, p. 738).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “Thou art, I feel, an innocent man; but thou seest that I cannot save thee! I know thou wilt forgive me, and death can have no terrors for one of fortitude like thine!” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 387, 1855).
13. The prince of sufferers (DA, Ch. 77)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Christ was the prince of sufferers” (DA, p.752).
John Harris (1802-1856): “… the Prince of sufferers” (The great teacher, p. 274, 1835).
14. The cross of Barabbas (DA, Ch. 78)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “…the cross which had been prepared for Barabbas was laid upon his bruised and bleeding shoulders. Two companions of Barabbas were to suffer death at the same time with Jesus, and upon them also crosses placed” (DA, p. 741).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “[Barabbas]…lies now under condemnation of death, and was on that day to have been crucified, with two of his lieutenants. Two others were also brought out, and laid upon the shoulders of two of men, the lieutenants of Barabbas, who were that day to be crucified” (The Prince of the House of David, pp.383, 390, 1855).
15. Jesus faints and falls under the cross (DA, Ch. 78).
Ellen White (1827-1915): “But when after the second scourging the cross was laid upon Him, human nature could bear no more. He fell fainting beneath the burden. The crowd that followed the Saviour saw His weak and staggering steps, but they manifested no compassion. They taunted and reviled Him because He could not carry the heavy cross. Again the burden was laid upon Him, and again He fell fainting to the ground. His persecutors saw that it was impossible for Him to carry His burden farther…At this time a stranger, Simon a Cyrenian, coming in from the country, meets the throng…as he expresses his compassion, they seize him and place the cross upon his shoulders” (DA, p. 742).
Talmage, T. De Witt (1832-1902): “Under the weight of the cross, Christ, being very weak and sick, stumbles and falls… [After the cross was placed again on his shoulders] Christ moves on until the burden is so great He staggers and falls flat into the dust and faints dead away, and a ruffian puts his foot on Him and shakes him as he would a dog, … while another ruffian…with jeer and contempt indescribable saying, “Fainted, have you? Fainted! Get up, get on!”… Christ could no longer bear His own [cross]. Some one must help Him support it. But Who? Ah, here is the man, Simon from Cyrene… He has shown sympathy for the poor sufferer… here, put the cross on Simon’s strong shoulders” (From Manger to Throne, p. 602, 1889 [1880]).
16. He did not murmur (DA, Ch. 78)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “The Saviour made no murmur of complaint” (DA, p. 744).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “All this Jesus still bore with godlike majesty. Not a murmur escaped his lips” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 388, 1855).
17. Great drops of sweat on Jesus’ brow (DA, Ch. 78)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “His face remained calm and serene, but great drops of sweat stood upon His brow” (DA, p. 744).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “Great drops of sweat, when they nailed his feet to the wood, stood upon His forehead” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 401, 1855).
18. The weeping women who followed Jesus (Da, Ch. 78, Luke 23: 27, 28)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “He was not indifferent to the expression of grief…They were not believers in him, He knew that they were not lamenting Him as one sent from God, but were moved by feelings of human pity. He did not despise their sympathy, but it awakened in His heart a deeper sympathy for them” (DA, p. 743).
William Hanna (1808-1882) : [These women ] “have their feelings so deeply touched, that, unable to restrain their emotions, they openly bewailed and lament his doom…They were not lamenting the loss of a teacher, a master, a friend they had learned to revere and love…Jesus is not displeased with, Jesus does not reject the expression of their pity. So far from this, the tender sympathy that they show for him stirs a still deeper sympathy for them within his heart” (The Life of Christ, pp. 703 -704, 1863).
19. Darkness at noon (DA, Ch. 78)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “The sun refused to look upon the awful scene. Its full, bright rays were illuminating the earth at midday, when suddenly it seemed to be blotted out. Complete darkness, like a funeral pall, enveloped the cross. “There was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour…Men, women, and children fell prostrate upon the earth” (DA, pp. 753, 754). Emphasis added.
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “The which had been shining with noon-day brilliancy, became black as sackcloth of hair,…overshadowed the world…Of the thousands who had been gazing upon the crucifixion everyone was now prostrate upon the earth in terror!” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 408, 1855). Emphasis added.
Note: Matthew, Mark and Luke did not say anything about people falling prostrate upon the earth. Did the Holy Spirit or her guardian angel tell her what the gospel writers did not see?
20. The penitent thief (DA, Ch. 78, Luke 23: 39-43)
Ellen White (1827-1915): “He had seen and heard Jesus, and had been convicted by His teaching…He had heard the words of those who believed in Jesus and followed weeping. He has seen and read the title above the Saviour’s head. He has heard the passers- by repeat it” (DA, pp.749, 750).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “He had heard Jesus preach in the wilderness of Jordan, and had once asked Him, with deep interest, many things touching the doctrines He taught” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 395, 1855).
Ingraham J. H (1809-1860): “I have listened to thy teaching on the banks of Jordan, and now believe” (The Prince of the House of David, p. 406, 1855).
F.W. Farrar (1831-1903): “It is probable that he had met Jesus before, and heard Him, and perhaps been one of those thousands who had seen His miracles…As he looked, the faith in his heart dawned more and more into the perfect day” (The Life of Christ, Vol. 2, pp. 410, 411, 1874).
William Hanna (1808-1882): “It is going the utmost length to which supposition can be carried, to imagine that he had never met with Jesus till he had met him that morning to be led out in company with him to Calvary” (Life Of Christ, p. 717, 1863).
Albert Barnes (1798-1870): “It is possible that this man might have heard him preach before his crucifixion, and have learned there the nature of his kingdom.” (Barnes’ Notes on the Whole Bible, 1834)
Cunningham Geikie (1824-1906): “One of the two, ere long awed and won by His bearing under such treatment; perhaps thinking of the daughters of Jerusalem he had seen weeping by the way; or of the words of Jesus in which He spoke of the distant future as open before him; perhaps struck by the title over the Saviour’s head, or by the very taunts which spoke of His having trusted in god, and having claimed to be the Christ, the Chosen, the Son of the Highest; perhaps recollecting some words of His heard in happier days; repented of his bitterness…” (Life and Words of Christ, p. 712, 1877).