1. Sons of God and the Daughters of men
SR, 62: “The descendants of Seth were called the sons of God; the descendants of Cain, the sons of men. As the sons of God mingled with the sons of men, they became corrupt and, by intermarriage with them, lost, through the influence of their wives, their peculiar, holy character, and united with the sons of Cain in their idolatry.”
PL, Book XI, 575, 576, 581, 582, 590, 591: “From the high neighbouring Hills, which was thir Seat, Down to the Plain descended… when from the Tents behold A Beavie of fair Women, richly gay… They light the Nuptial Torch, and bid invoke Hymen, then first to marriage Rites invok’t.”
PL, Book XI, 607-613, 621-625: “Those Tents thou sawst so pleasant, were the Tents Of wickedness, wherein shall dwell his Race Who slew his Brother; studious they appere Of Arts that polish Life, Inventers rare, Unmindful of thir Maker, though his Spirit Taught them, but they his gifts acknowledg’d none. Yet they a beauteous ofspring shall beget… To these that sober Race of Men, whose lives Religious titl’d them the Sons of God, Shall yield up all thir vertue, all thir fame Ignobly, to the traines and to the smiles Of these fair Atheists.”