1. Christ became dearer to Father after his sacrifice
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Never was the Son of God more beloved by His Father, by the heavenly family, and by the inhabitants of the unfallen worlds, than when He humbled Himself to bear disgrace, humiliation, shame and abuse” (Youth’s Instructor, June 28, 1900).
Octavious Winslow (1808-1878): “Never was the Son of God dearer to the father than at the very moment, that the sword of divine justice, flaming and flashing, pierced to its hilt His holy heart” (Christ’s Sympathy to the Weary Pilgrims: “The Flaming Sword of justice Quenched in the Holy, Loving Bosom of Jesus!”).
Henry Kollock (1778-1819): “…never an instant in which he was not persuaded that he was God’s beloved Son, in whom he is well pleased. And especially now that he was on the cross accomplishing the eternal purposes of God… he was, if possible, more fully than ever persuaded of the infinite love of his Father for him… For the more the saviour was resigned to death, the more he trusted in God, the more he was persuaded of the affection of his Father” (Sermons on Various Subjects in Four volumes, p. 392, 1822).
2. Christ’s mediatorial ministry includes other worlds
Ellen White (1827-1915): “This work of Christ was to confirm the beings of other worlds in their innocency and loyalty, as well as to save the lost and perishing of this world. He opened a way for the disobedient to return to their allegiance to God, while by the same act he placed a safeguard around those who were already pure, that they might not become polluted… Christ is mediating in behalf of man, and the order of unseen worlds also is preserved by his mediatorial work” (RH, January 11, 1881).
Eleazar Lord (1788-1871): “That the mediatorial work has relation to other worlds; that it comprises other objects than the redemption of fallen man… All created natures are therefore deemed to be concerned in his work… The manifestations of this scene are displayed in the view of the heavenly hosts to instruct them, to fortify them against the wiles of Satan, and confirm them in their alligence, and so to unite angels and men in perpetual obedience, fellowship and love” (The Mediatorial Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ, pp. 33, 171, 172, 1845).
3. A friend at the heavenly court
Ellen White (1827-1915): “When Christ ascended to heaven, He ascended as our advocate. We always have a friend at court” (The Christian Educator, August 1, 1897; 7ABC, p. 486).
Ellen White (1827-1915): “He qualified Himself to be, not only the representative of the race, but their Advocate, so that every soul if he will may say, I have a Friend at court” (Manuscript 101, 1897; 7ABC 486).
Isaac Ambrose (1604-1664): “He appears for us as a sponsor and a pledge: surely it is a comfort for a man to have a friend at court, that may own him, and appear for him; but if this friend be both a mediator and a surety, O what comfort is this!” (Works of Isaac Ambrose, p. 420, 1829).
4. Benefits of atonement
Ellen White (1827-1915): “where Jesus had entered by His own blood, to shed upon His disciples the benefits of His atonement… But the Jews were left in total darkness. They lost all the light which they might have had upon the plan of salvation…Therefore they could not be benefited by the mediation of Christ in the holy place. (EW, p.260, 1882).
Ellen White: “We need to see Christ hanging upon that cross, making an atonement for our sins… if we expect the blood of Jesus Christ to be efficacious in our behalf” (RH, May 18, 1905).
Ellen White: “Christ ever liveth to make intercession for us. We need to keep ever before us the efficacy of the blood of Jesus” (Letter 87, 1894; SD, p. 226, 1955; 7BC, p. 948).
Ellen White: “In the courts above, Christ is pleading for His church—pleading for those for whom He has paid the redemption price of His blood. Centuries, ages, can never lessen the efficacy of His atoning sacrifice” (AA, p. 552, 553, 1911).
J. W. Nevin (1803-1886): “Here was a symbolic representation of Christ’s voluntary sacrifice for the sins of the world, and his all – prevailing intercession in the presence of the Father, by which his people are made partakers of righteousness and eternal life. The Most Holy Place was a figure of heaven, where God dwells in eternal glory. As the High Priest entered into the one to intercede with incense for the Israelitish nation, so Jesus has ascended into the other, to intercede for the whole congregation of his church, gathered out of all kingdoms of the world… wherefore, our Lord appeared not before the infinite Majesty on high, for the purpose, till he had first offered an adequate sacrifice, on the merit of which he might found his mediation. He gave his blood for the remission of sins, and then presented himself in the presence of God, with the atonement, as it were in his hands, to make reconciliation with it for the guilt, and to plead the virtue in favour of all who apply to him for life” (A Summary of Biblical Antiquities: Compiled for the use of Sunday school Teachers, Vol. 2, p. 185, 1830).
John Cumming (1807-1881): “We believe in Christ the Prophet, whose word is truth; the Priest, whose atonement is complete… On earth he died for us as an atonement; at the Father’s right hand he interceeds for us as our High – priest; what he purchased by his blood below, he makes good by his intercession above” (Sabbath Evening Readings on the New Testament: John, pp. 210, 307, 1856).
John Ross Mac Duff (1818-1895): “The ascension of Jesus is matter of joy to the church, as He is engaged in heaven to carry on the work of intercession. By His death He wrought out atonement: by his intercession He perpetuates its purchased blessings and renders them forever efficacious” (Memories of Olivet, p. 349, 1868).
5. Christ presents His wounds before the Father
Ellen White (1827-1915): “But Jesus pleads in their behalf his wounded hands, his bruised body; and he declares to all who would follow him, “My grace is sufficient for thee”” (3SP, p. 314).
Ellen White: “Let the eye of faith see Jesus standing before the Father’s throne, presenting His wounded hands as He pleads for you” (SL, p. 91, 1889).
Ellen White (1827-1915): “One reminder alone remains: Our Redeemer will ever bear the marks of His crucifixion. Upon His wounded head, upon His side, His hands and feet, are the only traces of the cruel work that sin has wrought… And the tokens of His humiliation are His highest honor; through the eternal ages the wounds of Calvary will show forth His praise and declare His power” (The Great Controversy, p. 674).
Isaac Ambrose (1604-1664): “Christ’s intercession consists in the presenting of his wounds, death, and blood, as a public satisfaction for the debt of sin…” (Works of Isaac Ambrose, p. 421, 1829).
Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892): “that when he intercedes he may employ them as powerful advocates. When he rises up to pray for his people, he needs not speak a word; he lifts his hands before his Father’s face; he makes bare his side, and points to his feet. These are the orators with which he pleads with God… Christ wears these wounds to show that suffering is an honorable thing… Mark, Christ’s wounds are no spots to him, no wrinkles, they are ornaments” (The Wounds of Jesus, Delivered on Sabbath Evening, January 30th, 1859).
6. Jesus pleads with his wounds
Ellen White (1827-1915): “Jesus, their Advocate, was pleading before His Father. He cries, “Spare them, Father, spare them, they are the purchase of My blood,” and lifts to His Father His wounded hands” (2T, p. 106, 1871).
Edward Griffin (1770-1837): “See him interceding for a world that rejected him… See him showing the prints of his wounds and pleading, “Father spare them, I have died”” (Sermons By The Late Rev. Edward Griffin, Vol. 2, p. 53, 1838).
7. Application of His merits as the intercessor
Ellen White (1827-1915): “By proclaiming Himself as our intercessor, He desires us to know that He places in the golden censer His merits and efficiency, that He may offer them with the sincere prayers of His people. How essential, then, that we pray much; for as our prayers ascend to the throne of God, they are mingled with the fragrance of Christ’s righteousness. Our voice is not the only voice heard. Before it reaches the ear of God, it blends with the voice of Christ, whom the Father always hears” (7MR, p. 166).
Ellen White (1827-1915): “The prayers of the saints, mingled with the merit and perfection of Christ, will ascend up as fragrant incense before the Father” (RH, March 24, 1896).
John Harris (1802-1856): “By proclaiming himself our Intercessor, he would have us to know that the entire merit of all he did is contained as incense in his golden censer, that he might offer it up with the prayers of his people. Our prayers then, in their ascent to the throne of God, mingle and blend with the ascending incense of his merit. Our voice before it reaches the ear of God, falls in and blends with, the voice of him, whom the Father heareth always. (The great teacher, p. 157, 1835).
Isaac Ambrose (1604-1664): “His merits are the cloud of incense, for so the angel; Christ said to have a golden censer, and much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints… the merits of Christ are so mingled with the prayers of his saints, that they perfume their prayers, and so find acceptance with God their father… but now Christ as mediator, praying for us, he is ever heard in the very particular which he desireth” (Works of Isaac Ambrose, pp. 419, 420, 1829).